Physics science test
Physics science test

  • Rotational and Rolling Motion Conceptual Survey (RRMCS).
  • 33 item multiple choice test designed to evaluate students’ understanding of energy in algebra- or calculus-based introductory physics classes.
  • physics science test

    More information about this test available here.25 item multiple choice test of energy and momentum concepts.Energy and Momentum Conceptual Survey (EMCS).

    physics science test

    Kinematics graph interpretation project at North Carolina State University.Beichner (North Carolina State University) at Article by Beichner describing the development of the test available here. This assessment can be obtained by emailing the researcher who developed this test, Robert J.21 item multiple choice test which assesses students’ understanding of graphical representations of motion in kinematics.Test of Understanding Graphs in Kinematics (TUG-K).It covers Newton’s Laws, superposition principle, energy conservation, impulse-momentum, work and special forces (friction, gravity). 26 item multiple choice test designed to elicit student misconceptions in Newtonian Mechanics.Physics Education Researchers at University of Maine have developed a template which can be used to analyze pre-post FMCE data, available here.Force-Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE).27 item multiple choice test (based on the FCI) of students’ ability to interpret multiple representations of force and motion concepts consistently.Representational Variant of the Force Concept Inventory (R-FCI).

    physics science test

  • 30 item conceptual multiple choice test of force and motion concepts.

  • Physics science test